BBSRS Bordeleau Brilliance

Closing off one hell of a week for the lab (5 website entries in a week? And that doesn’t cover it all), Rabia gave the Bordeleau Memorial Scholarship talk at the end of this year’s BBSRS symposium. She was brilliant, of course, getting a chance to showcase some of her newest data, and it definitely hit me that this story is… well, PhD defense ready.

Another facet of the BBSRS - in addition to Jordan’s great poster - was that this was the first time I was in this room since the BBSRS in 2020, days before the pandemic. And it felt a little like the world had fast-forwarded - the background the same, but so many of the people changed - as is usual, of course, for academia - but 4 years hit me all at once.

Alexander Hynes